If you don't know the system architecture, try running uname -a in Terminal.app. Look for the Mac download, choose the one appropriate for your architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) and OS X version. Python is installed by default, but IDLE is not (and Python is likely a little old).įollow these instructions for a Mac binary install, or install from source, using the instructions further down the page. You should now be able to double-click idle.bat to open IDLE. Right-click in the empty space, choose New -> Text Document, name it idle.bat (accept the warning about file extensions).Įdit the file by right-clicking and choosing Edit. Let's create a Windows script, idle.bat that does that: This is easiest if we start IDLE from the WORKSHOP folder itself. However they're going to need to know about the files we create during the workshop.
IDLE (Python GUI) and Python (command line) should now by in your program menu, under Python 2.7, and Python will be associated with. Run the installer and click through the prompts. 64-bit: Python 2.7.3 Windows X86-64 Installer.Unless your computer is very old, your best bet is downloading the 64-bit version.
Look for the Windows downloads, choose the one appropriate for your architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). Python and IDLE are not installed by default. We are not using this - we're using version 2. There's a new major release of Python out, version 3. This folder you created is referred to generically as WORKSHOP below.
For Mac users, create this folder at ~/workshop (Mac/Linux). If using Windows, create a folder at C:\Documents and Settings\MY_USERNAME\My Documents\workshop (Windows). The workshop does not rely on any of IDLE's specific features, but it makes setting up Python much easier and provides a multi-platform basis for examples.Ĭreate a folder for all your python code and other files. We'll be using Python frequently in class, and it'll save lots of time if everyone has this installed and is familiar how to open, edit, and run a script (which is just a text file) using Python.įurthermore, we'll be using IDLE, Python's own IDE (Integrated Development Environment).